Sunday, May 26, 2019

Management Challenges and Concerns Report Essay

The purpose of the Management Challenges and Concerns Report is to indicate the responsibilities of heed and how to meet or exceed company goals. This report includes details of management challenges inside a company. In addition, this report specifies possible causes and solutions to internal issues at work. This report shall prove how strategic planning, goals, productivity, and evaluating issues play a significant role in firmness issues in human resource management entities. Some of the responsibilities of human resource management harp of providing employees with information on the companys vision, goal, HIPPA privacy rights, and bang statement. In addition, employees receive information on safety rules, insurance benefits, compensation, employee relations, training, and orientation classes.These responsibilities are significant and require patience along with strong leaders. Human vision Managers has to acquire a bachelors or masters degree in management, management classe s, and pass test. Also human resource management requires the following characteristics confirmatory, consistent, prompt, role model, team player, and strong leaders. Performance Management consist of appraisal system, driving appraisal process, evaluating employee performance, and performance counseling (Brewster & Soderstrom, 1994). Internal issues pertaining to employees consist of productivity, durable by company rules, safety, passing training classes, and positive work ethics. Human Resource Management has rules and regulations in the company handbook to ensure consistency at work. These rules and regulations set the pace for a productive and professional workplace environment for employees and management.Internal issues may arise however it is human resource management responsibleness to solve any issues before any escalate. Employee Relations play an important role in solving internal issues by evaluation and resolution. Employee Relations consist of the following duties grievance handling, discipline management, managing absenteeism, managing attrition, and employee termination (Brewster & Larsen, 2000). Strategic planning is vital because it provides a forecast for the company to follow in efforts to exceed goals and gain a competitive advantage. Goals and productivity shall be reasonable and achievable by following rules and the company mission statement.Management shall evaluate and solve internal issues with good decision-making and by the company handbook accordingly. In conclusion, this report specifies the responsibilities of human resource management in thorough details. The elements of solving internal issues consist of following strategic plans, goals, rules, and mission statement. As a result, the company shall gain a professional workplace environment, productivity, and competitive advantage. This report proves that following strategic plans and enforcing company guidelines are the foundation to positive work ethics and suceess.Referen ceBrewster, C., & Larsen, H. H. (2000). Human Resource Management in europium The Role of the Line. Human Resource Management in Northern Europe Trends, Dilemmas and Strategy, Oxford, Blackwells . Brewster, C., & Soderstrom, M. (1994). Human Resource and Line Management. Policy and Practice in European Resource Management, London, Rourledge .

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